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Journal Club: Co-design of AI-based clinical informatics workflows to routinely analyse PREMs in hospitals

  •  6 May 2025
     5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

    In association with

    •  6 May 2025
       5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

    Join Oliver J Canfell and co-authors in discussion with Katie MacLure (BCS Health & Care Scotland) for our latest live BCS BMJ HCI Journal Club hosted by Digital Health.

    Synopsis: This Journal Club is based on a paper entitled, Artificial intelligence after the bedside: co-design of AI-based clinical informatics workflows to routinely analyse patient-reported experience measures in hospitals.

    The authors’ objective was, ‘To co-design artificial intelligence (AI)-based clinical informatics workflows to routinely analyse patient-reported experience measures (PREMs) in hospitals.’

    They identified three key research questions:

    · RQ1: What are the current problems of analysing free-text PREMs data in the state public healthcare system?

    · RQ2: What is the current workflow, and how can we co-design an optimal future workflow to routinely analyse free-text PREMs in the state public healthcare system?

    · RQ3: What are the requirements of a proof-of-concept AI-based clinical informatics workflow to routinely analyse free-text PREMs data in the state public healthcare system, and what is the theoretical feasibility of translating this workflow into practice?

    Join us to discuss the subject matter further and ask the presenting authors your questions based on your own experience.


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