Delivering optimum care for someone living with diabetes typically involves multiple healthcare professionals working across various health settings. Traditionally, those clinicians have relied on separate sets of paper records, making it difficult to co-ordinate care.

The introduction of EMIS Web in Liverpool has addressed these challenges. The clinical IT system has enabled Liverpool Diabetes Partnership – an integrated service bringing together three NHS trusts – to redesign diabetes services around the needs of their patients and deliver care closer to home.

Being able to instantly access and edit, up-to-date, shared patient information, wherever they are, has enabled healthcare professionals across primary, secondary and acute settings to improve their relationships and have better conversations. This improved collaboration has enabled the partnership to cut referral to treatment times for diabetic patients and reduce hospital referrals by 50%.

Identifying people at risk of the condition has also been made easier. With rich patient data at their fingertips, teams are able to run searches on their patient population, helping them to proactively target those who are at risk of developing diabetes or whose condition isn’t being effectively managed. This is supporting earlier intervention, improved patient outcomes and greater efficiency.

Learn more about the project by reading the case study.

Read the full case study

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