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Autumn Leadership Summit

  •  7 October 2021 - 8 October 2021
     8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

    In association with

    •  7 October 2021 - 8 October 2021
       8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

    The Digital Health Autumn Leadership Summit 2021, 7-8 October at Park Regis Birmingham will bring together senior NHS executives and digital health leaders in-person to explore the impact of leadership and policy on their organisation’s business and digital strategies.

    As the first in-person event organised by Digital Health since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, this two-day residential retreat will provide a unique opportunity for board-level NHS executives from local and national organisations to digest the fast-evolving policy agenda and attend workshops by digital pioneers from across the NHS and beyond.

    You’ll explore topics including the shift to integrated care systems, digital boards, data strategy, digital clinical safety, investment frameworks and priorities, digital maturity measures and the new roles of national agencies.

    The two-day retreat will also celebrate excellence in NHS IT leadership with the return of the Digital Health Awards gala ceremony – which includes the CCIO, CIO, CNIO, Future Digital Leader and Digital CEO of the Year categories – taking place in the evening of day one.

    Places are limited. Book early to join an exclusive group of digital health leaders, senior NHS executives and policy makers to explore the role of leadership and policy implications on your organisation’s business and digital strategies. All sessions will be CPD-accredited.

    The Autumn Leadership Summit is open to those either working in the NHS, public or charitable sectors, in academia or a Summit sponsor/speaker. All registrants will be checked and refunded if not eligible.

    Register Here

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