25 October 2019
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
The Topol review sets the NHS a grand ambition to become a world leader in healthcare technologies. It highlights clearly that workforce is a key differentiator to the success of this ambition. In the past five years the NHS has outlined several different initiatives to deliver a better equipped and digitally enabled workforce.
In this session we will explore how CIOs can implement workforce wide development programmes using skills frameworks, development tools and standards and how it impacts individuals in the team.
Julie Andrews, BCS, Key Account Manager
Rob Ludman, NHS Wales Informatics Service
Stephen Slough, Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust, Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Dorset CCG, CIO
Rob Ludman (BSc, MSc) is a Service Management Team Manager with NHS Wales Informatics Service, ITIL v3 Expert and Fed-IP Advanced Practitioner. Rob has worked in the IT industry since 2003, in various roles including technical support, estates management, organisational governance, quality management, client facing delivery and service management. Rob began his career in Health and Care in 2013 when joining NHS Wales Informatics Service as Service Management Lead, and now works to advance the standards of professionalism and IT service delivery across the organisation, and more broadly within NHS Wales. Rob also has volunteer roles as a Fed-IP assessor, South Wales BCS Branch committee member, and mini-football coach.
Stephen Slough has over 20 years of experience in the digital profession in both the private and public sector. Working in a variety of national, European and global roles including strategy, account management, service development, programming and configuration. He has been a member of the BCS for a number of years and has achieved Fellowship and Chartered status. In the NHS in Dorset he is an advocate for the development and recognition of the digital staff, striving to provide them with structured career development. The BCS and now FED-IP are recognised mechanisms to support this approach. He is currently the CIO for Dorset CCG, Dorset County Hospital and Dorset HealthCare in a role that enables him to span Primary, Community & Mental Health and Acute services. He also currently lead the Digital transformation portfolio for the Dorset ICS
Digital Health & Care a professional journey -20191025 1103-1 from Katerina Loucka on Vimeo.