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Digital Health Regional Networks Event – South East

  •  16 October 2020
     12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

    In association with

    •  16 October 2020
       12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

    Digital Health Regional Networks Events is a new monthly programme of regional best practice events for NHS IT leaders, focused on sharing digital best practice underway in a particular NHS region.

    The new regional events series builds on the popularity of our Digital Responses to Covid-19 Webinar Series and best practice webinars and are designed to provide the opportunity for a wide range of NHS digital leaders to share local work and knowledge with others.

    Each regional event will be extended 90-minute best practice webinars split into two sessions, that blend short 10-minute presentations and open discussions from CCIO/CIO/CNIO Network members with panel Q&A. Delivered over a lunchtime slot the ‘lunch and learn’ sessions will carry CPD accreditation and count towards members’ professional development.

    The aim is to showcase and discuss best practice on digital health and data within a region of the English NHS. Presentations will be in the form of short pre-recorded videos from members or live presentations, accompanied by live audience Q&A, quick polls and audience interactivity tools

    Digital Health Regional Networks Event – South East agenda is as follows:



    Mobile Working
    Balvinder Heran, Joint Strategic Director – Information Assets and Digital Development, Buckinghamshire Council, NHS Healthcare

    Digital Care Homes
    Morfydd Williams, Director of IT, Kent Community Health NHS FT and Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust

    Facilitating new COVID19 Workflows with Mobile Technology
    Andy Dargue, IT Infrastructure Project Manager
    Mahesh Patel, CIO
    Dr Justin Kirk-Bayley, MRCP FRCA EDIC FFICM  Consultant Intensivist & Anaesthetist – Professional Director of Therapeutics  – Clinical Lead for Intensive Care
    Royal Surrey NHS FT

    Session outline: Royal Surrey NHS FT are delivering remote ward rounds in their 24-bed ICU, where coronavirus patients are being cared for, using mobile device secured using Imprivata Mobile Device Access (MDA). The smartphones enable just one doctor linked remotely to colleagues to do ward rounds. Security is an important consideration and MDA ensures the digital identity of the clinician is used to access the device easily and efficiently whilst still ensuring high security standards. In order to access the devices, a clinician simply taps their badge to unlock the device and then accesses the necessary applications using single sign-on making things much easier when wearing PPE on the ward.
    The solution is also helping relatives to safely stay in touch with their loved ones in hospital. Royal Surrey were already looking at using the technology for ‘virtual’ consultations, but the COVID-19 outbreak accelerated it. Patients are logged in to the same device as used in ward rounds by a clinician using their badge, they can then contact family or friends and speak to them. Imprivata digital identity solutions are already being successfully used in the hospital so the mobile solution was able to be validated and tested in two weeks.




    Title tbc
    Ian Phoenix, director for Citizen Health technology at NHS Digital

    Ian will provide an overview of the work programmes underway on citizen health technology and take part in a live Q&A.
    The citizen health technology portfolio spans:, NHS App, NHS Login, The Health Apps Library and open source programmes.

    Mobility as a Crucial Component of Healthcare IT Strategy: Clinical Perspective
    Daniel Johnston, Clinical Workflow Lead at Imprivata



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