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Digital Health Regional Networks Event – North East and Yorkshire

  •  21 October 2021
     12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

    In association with

    •  21 October 2021
       12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

    Digital Health Regional Networks Events is a new monthly programme of regional best practice events for NHS IT leaders, focused on sharing digital best practice underway in a particular NHS region.

    The new regional events series builds on the popularity of our Digital Responses to Covid-19 Webinar Series and best practice webinars and are designed to provide the opportunity for a wide range of NHS digital leaders to share local work and knowledge with others. The aim is to showcase and discuss best practice on digital health and data within a region of the English NHS.

    Each regional event will be extended best practice webinars split into two sessions, that blend short live presentations and open discussions from Digital Health Network members with panel Q&A.

    PLEASE NOTE: This webinar is open to NHS, public, charitable sectors, academics, and network sponsors only. You will receive confirmation of your registration once this is confirmed.

    12.30 Introduction from the Chair
    Jon Hoeksma, CEO, Digital Health

    12.35 North East and North Cumbria Single version of the Truth
    I-Lin Hall, Head of Data and Digital Applications, NECS: A Care System Support Organisation.
    The presentation provides an overview of Axiom, our cloud based data platform.

    12.40 North East and North Cumbria Trusted Research and Evaluation Environment development (TREE)
    Mark Walsh, Portfolio Manager, Academic Health Science Network – North East and North Cumbria (AHSN-NENC)
    The presentation gives an overview of the strategic drivers, benefits and current status of the TREE development in the NENC region.
    12.45 Primary Care COVID digital response: what can we learn?
    Dr Jonathan Harness, Partner, CCIO, Glenpark Medical Practice, Newcastle Gateshead CCG
    The response to the COVID emergency brought with it a huge degree of challenge. The session will celebrate the successes of the digital team and ask what lessons might be applicable to the new world of the ICS.


    12.55 Panel Q&A

    13.05 5 minute break

    13.10 Introduction from the Chair
    Jon Hoeksma, CEO, Digital Health

    13.15 Moving consultations out of the clinic: new models of care enabled via TytoCare – implementation in Yorkshire and Humber
    Kate Lodge, Head of Strategic Partnerships, YH AHSN and
    Ellen Barnes, Programme Manager, YH AHSN
    This short session will cover an introduction to the TytoCare device, and how it can help enable new models of care – out of the hospital and closer to and within people’s homes, range of uses in Yorkshire and Humber, associated learning including regional approach to DTAC.

    13.25 In-house systems assisting Covid 19 activity

    Matthew Bovingdon, Head of WebV Operation & Product Manager, WebV Systems – directorate of Digitial Services/Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS FT
    Utilising Northern Lincolnshire & Goole’s in house system, WebV, we looked to integrate patient results from different systems to provide most up to date data to the front-line staff as well as the operational leads through the systems they use.


    13.35 Panel Q&A13.45 The Reasonable Adjustment Flag Project – an NHS Long Term Plan commitment

    Janet Atukunda, Health Improvement Business Coordinator, Health Improvement Team – National Learning Disability & Autism Programme, NHS England & Improvement and
    Hannah Brown, GP, Ponteland Medical GroupNPC Clinical Informatics Officer, Northumbria Primary Care
    Under the Equality Act 2010, organisations such as hospitals and GP surgeries must take steps (“reasonable adjustments”) to remove the barriers individuals face because of disability. As part of the NHS Long Term Plan, by 2023/24, a ‘digital flag’ in the patient record will ensure staff know a patient has an impairment, such as a learning disability, autism, or a long-term condition. Hear from the national project team and from North East and Yorkshire as this important project is rolled out across the UK.

    This session will help you understand:
    – What does the flag do?

    – How a flag can be accessed.
    – What progress had been made in early adopter sites in the North East.
    – How to get involved in this project

    13.55 Closing remarks from the Chair

    14.00 Event close

    This webinar is open to NHS, public sector, charitable sectors, academics, and network sponsors only. Your registration will be reviewed, and you will receive confirmation of your attendance within 48 hours.

    Register now

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