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Digital Health Regional Networks Event – North West

  •  24 June 2021
     12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

    In association with

    •  24 June 2021
       12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

    Digital Health Regional Networks Events is a monthly programme of regional best practice events for NHS IT leaders, focused on sharing digital best practice underway in a particular NHS region.

    The regional events series builds on the popularity of our Digital Responses to Covid-19 Webinar Series and best practice webinars and are designed to provide the opportunity for a wide range of NHS digital leaders to share local work and knowledge with others. The aim is to showcase and discuss best practice on digital health and data within a region of the English NHS.

    Each regional event will be extended best practice webinars split into two sessions, that blend short live presentations and open discussions from Digital Health Network members with panel Q&A. This event will focus on Digital Inclusion from across the North West.

    PLEASE NOTE: This webinar is open to NHS, public, charitable sectors, academics, and network sponsors only. You will receive confirmation of your registration once this is confirmed.

    Part one

    Preliminary Findings of study on Digital Inclusion and Leadership
    Daniel Hallen, head of digital technology and digital urgent & emergency care
    NHS England & Improvement – North West

    This session will look at some preliminary broad-level findings of a study on digital inclusion as understood across leadership. Having surveyed several hundred contributors, the study looks at key themes of unconscious bias, materials bias and skills development. The session covers the influence of social, economic and characteristic factors on digital inclusion understanding and decision making.

    Digital Inclusion is everyone’s business – developing a cross-sector strategy
    Linda Vernon, acting digital culture and transformation clinical lead
    Lancashire and South Cumbria ICS

    The digital needs of the people & communities we serve is at the heart of the Lancashire & South Cumbria ICS Digital Strategy.  But these needs have never been more evident than during recent times of lockdown and accelerated digital transformation of health and care pathways. Recognising the inter-dependency between digital exclusion and health inequalities, we know that increasing people’s access to, and ability to use, digital devices and services is as much about increasing their access to education, social networks and employment opportunities as it is about increasing their utilisation of digital health tools. This session will outline the cross-sector approach taken to address the digital divide and how we can make a difference together.

    Part two

    Inclusive Digital Transformation
    Roz Davies MBA FRSA, managing director

    In 2020, mHabitat began the Inclusive Digital Transformation Discovery Programme aimed at supporting healthcare systems to purposefully design inclusion into digital transformation. As part of this programme NHSX commissioned mHabitat to explore the current picture of inclusive digital transformation at an ICS level. This session provides a summary of the results of the research including enablers, barriers, how national/regional bodies can support further development and wider findings on what inclusive digital transformation looks like. 

    National Digital Initiatives for Citizens – NHSX
    Petra Charlemagne, Implementation Lead, NHSX

    The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the widening health and care inequalities and its correlation to those who are digitally excluded.
    NHSX is working to unlock the benefits of digital transformation for everyone and address long-standing health and care inequalities. The session will outline some aspects of the work currently being done by NHSX to foster digital inclusion.

    Our chairs:

    Janet King,
    regional director of digital transformation, NHS England

    Jon Hoeksma Jon Hoeksma, CEO, Digital Health.
    Jon is the founder and CEO of Digital Health, the health IT B2B news, research and events publisher and professional networks specialist. He previously co-founded and edited eHealth Insider, and is a leading journalist, commentator and thought leader on UK health IT. In 2014 he led the trade sale of eHealth insider to Informa Plc.


    Our speakers:

    Daniel Hallen Daniel Hallen, head of digital technology and digital urgent & emergency care, NHS England & Improvement – North West.
    Daniel is a technology leader with a strong background in digital technology across both public and private organisations. Working at a regional level in the North West of England, Daniel has led significant developments in Digital Technology across the NHS and Digital Urgent & Emergency Care and has shaped the strategy at locality level.


    Linda Vernon Linda Vernon, acting digital culture and transformation clinical lead, Lancashire and South Cumbria ICS.
    An advanced physiotherapy practitioner by background, Linda Vernon is interim Digital Culture and Transformation Clinical Lead across Lancashire & South Cumbria ICS.  Passionate about upstream population health, co-production and empowering individuals and communities, Linda leads digital programmes supporting social prescribing, self-management and digital inclusion across Lancashire & South Cumbria. Linda enjoys climbing fells in the Lake District, playing ukulele and singing, and believes the health of the planet and her inhabitants are mutually dependent.


    Roz Davies Roz Davies MBA FRSA, managing director, mHabitat.
    Roz has 25 years experience of co-designing and delivering social, health and digital innovations across the NHS, Local Government and the Third Sector. Previous roles include Director of Social Inclusion at Good Things Foundation, Director of Localities and Communities at New Economics Foundation, Programme Director for NHS hosted Altogether Better and Managing Director of UK Charity Leader of the Year, Sheffield Flourish. Roz lives with type 1 diabetes and was awarded the accolade of one of the 50 foremost Patient Leaders by the HSJ.


    Petra Charlemagne, implementation lead, NHSX
    Petra Leads on the Implementation of the Digital Maternity Programme and the Digital Health Champions Project at NHSX.  With over a decade working across NHS and Public Health organisations as a Nurse, Midwife and Public Health professional Petra believes in the power of digital technology in transforming health services and improving health outcomes. Petra is passionate about empowering pregnant women to improve their health and that of their babies and extended families.


    PLEASE NOTE: This webinar is open to NHS, public, charitable sectors, academics, and network sponsors only. You will receive confirmation of your registration once this is confirmed.

    Digital Health webinar will ask