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Digital Health Regional Networks Event – North (Virtual)

  •  6 October 2022
     12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

    In association with

    •  6 October 2022
       12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

    The Digital Health Regional Networks Event programme will feature our fifth virtual event in the series taking place,
    Thursday 6 October, 12:30-14:00, with a focus on content from across the North West, North East, Yorkshire and the Humber.

    The Regional Networks Event series is dedicated to NHS IT leaders, focused on sharing digital best practice, latest updates, developments, and implementations underway in a particular region. The benefits to Network Members attending these events is having the opportunity to learn from peers across the region, share their wins, seek out answers, learn from Network Sponsors on their latest products, services and client activity, and network with fellow members.

    This programme of events is only open to our Network Members which include, digital health leaders from across the NHS, public sector, charitable sectors, academia, and our Network Sponsors.

    Further programme details will be available in due course

    Register now




    Welcome and introductions
    Jon Hoeksma
    – CEO, Digital Health


    Ditch the Bleep
    Paul Curley – Consultant Vascular Surgeon & Chief Clinical Information Officer, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust
    We have built a business case, set up a Project, procured and gone live with Bleep replacement software. The project aims to replace single synchronous “number” bleep messages with rich text synchronous/asynchronous messaging including photos. In addition we have delivered “task” functionality between wards and Clinical Support Workers.

    The final phase is aiming to replace emergency “”crash bleeps”” with Trust devices. The project has used integration with NHSmail, Patient details are searched from the PAS and named-patient discussions between clinicians can be exported to the medical record.


    SRAVI – The development of Lip-Reading software for patients who are unable to vocalise
    Dr Shondipon Laha –
     Consultant in Critical Care Medicine and Anaesthesia, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
    This talk looks at the challenges faced by patients who are unable to vocalise on an intensive care unit and how a combined effort by an NHS trust, university and commercial enterprise has resulted in a tool to support such patients.


    Criteria Led Discharge: deep roots and green shoots
    Dave Pickles – Lead Nurse, DIT, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust | St James’s University Hospital Leeds
    Criteria Led Discharge (CLD) by nurses and allied health professionals is one initiative to improve patient discharge and variance in patient flow. This enables the ward team to discharge patients once the criteria have been met without the need for a further senior review. CLD was previously administered by the completion of a paper form which was scanned into the patient’s medical record. Our principal objectives were: to integrate this form directly into the Trust’s ‘self-built’ electronic health record (EHR); to work with stakeholders to increase uptake of this functionality; and to strengthen governance surrounding the process.

    During the pilot phase we engaged with all members of the clinical teams (consultants, junior doctors and nurses) to explain the workings of the new feature. Our ‘at the elbow’ approach enabled rich feedback to be gathered and created opportunities to engage directly with clinical teams to explore how they might best adopt the new functionality. The new form was intuitive to use and well received by the ward teams. The Implementation Team were able to engage with the medical teams to introduce and encourage uptake of the new functionality.  This helped identify that many medical patients were occupying beds on the children’s surgical ward due to operational pressures.

    Comparing patients on the CLD pathway with patients not on the CLD pathway, we found a greater proportion (46.1% vs 38.7%, 95%CI 41.1% to 51.2%, p=0.003) were discharged by 15:00 hours. This positively impacts on the experience of the patients and their families and improves patient flow. This presentation will describe the original workflow, the development process including reporting, learning from the pilot and our plans to increase the adoption of this functionality by clinical teams.




    Personalised prescribing: designing a pharmacogenomic service for the NHS
    Videha Sharma – Research Fellow in Health Informatics, Division of Informatics, Imaging and Data Science, University of Manchester
    Pharmacogenomics is well evidenced to benefit patients by personalising prescribing, improving the efficacy of medicines and reducing adverse side-effects. However, the real-world implementation of pharmacogenomics, and other personalised and precision therapies has been left wanting.

    One of the key barriers to the mainstreaming of genomics revolves around the required IT infrastructure to power clinical decision support systems within existing electronic health record platforms. In order to allow non-genomic healthcare professionals to deliver clinical services augmented by genomic data we need to provide results in a meaningful and usable format, which are incorporated within existing workflows. This requires a deep understanding of both the social and technical factors to realise a transformation that is adopted and scalable.

    In this presentation we will present an NHSE funded project to design a pharmacogenomic service for the NHS in England. We will share results from user research and early prototyping. We will highlight the importance of open data and interoperability standards required to develop digital solutions that minimise disruption to clinical workflows. We are also keen to receive feedback on this ongoing work – so please feel free to reach out!


    Driving Digital Innovation through Collaboration
    Graham King – CIO, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals FT
    The North East and North Cumbria has a long history of collaboration, from the development of the Great North Care Record to how organisations have responded to the pandemic. The region’s network of digital leaders collaborated to develop an ICS-wide digital strategy and Health Call is a key partner to deliver the strategy. In two years, it has grown rapidly from a handful of deployments in one trust to over 60 different pathways. Health Call is increasingly working with organisations outside of the North East and North Cumbria, expanding its successful INR Self-Testing service and Digital Care Home range. Health Call began as a spin out from County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust (CDDFT) and was quickly scaled up with support from the local Academic Health Science Network North East and North Cumbria (AHSN NENC). They could see the potential, and how the region could benefit from scaling Health Call and sharing digital technology.

    It is now jointly owned by seven trusts and all NHS organisations in the region invest in a single regional licence. This is more cost effective for the system, rather than each organisation having different arrangements with several different suppliers. Health Call is overseen by trust Chief Information Officers (CIOs) who use its services to develop low-cost digital solutions which can be shared and used elsewhere. This keeps the investment, knowledge and learning within the region, in addition to its digital assets.

    Graham King, CIO at The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and a director of Health Call will discuss how working collaboratively across the region and providing digital leadership has improved care for patients and benefited the whole system. Organisations are working together through networks to collectively solve problems using digital solutions, rather than having multiple versions of the same, or similar digital products.


    EDDI from a user centred design point of view
    Lee Rickles
    Yorkshire & Humber Care Record Programme Director and Chief Information Officer & Deputy SIRO Humber Teaching NHS FT
    A central government mandate was set for the development of  the Emergency Department Digital Integration (EDDI) product will enable emergency department slot booking from 111 telephone and online services.  But what about user centred design and the person professional or service experience of EDDI.  Lee will present the discovery work carried out in Yorkshire & Humber and what it means for patient and professional experience of this national mandate.




    Closing remarks
    Jon Hoeksma
    – CEO, Digital Health

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