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Digital responses to Covid-19 Briefing and Q&A with Gareth Thomas, NHSX

  •  5 May 2020
     12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

    In association with

    •  5 May 2020
       12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

    The Digital Responses to Covid-19 Briefing and Q&A Webinars, each Tuesday feature senior leaders from NHSX, NHS Digital and other agencies leading nationally on digital responses to the Covid-19 public health emergency.

    Gareth Thomas, Group CCIO at Salford Royal and lead NHSX’s Covid-19 clinical cell, returns with colleagues to give his latest briefing and update on work underway by NHSX and partners to respond to Covid-19

    The weekly Covid-19 briefing and Q&A webinars provide a unique opportunity for local NHS IT leaders to directly put their questions to national leaders, share local experiences and identify current obstacles and blockers.

    Members of Digital Health Networks can put their questions to the panellists on the Networks’ online community in advance of the webinars or post them live during the webinar.  The questions, suggestions and responses on each session are collated and shared back with the Network and national presenters.



    • Jon Hoeksma, Digital Health


    • Gareth Thomas, lead NHSX’s Covid-19 clinical cell
    • David Lambert, NHSX
    • Lisa Hollins NHSX


    Please find the slides below.

    200505 DHN Slides




    Digital Health webinar will ask