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Digital responses to Covid-19: How can trust leaders sustain the accelerated pace of digital change? With Chris Hopson, CEO NHS Providers

  •  28 April 2020
     3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

    In association with

    •  28 April 2020
       3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

    Throughout the Covid-19 crisis NHS Providers has provided the national voice of NHS acute, mental health, community and ambulance trusts. On behalf of trust leaders, NHS Providers regularly speaks on national media and to policy makers on issues ranging from the massive reconfiguration of the NHS, finance, testing, staffing pressures and PPE provision.

    In this latest edition of the Digital Responses to Covid-19 Briefing and Q&A Webinars, Chris Hopson, CEO of NHS Providers will lead a panel discussion and Q&A on how trusts have so far effectively used digital tools to very rapidly respond to the pandemic and what lessons we can begin to draw for the future.

    Questions to be explored include:

    • Has Covid-19 created the conditions for an enduring step-change in digital transformation across health and care?
    • What lessons can be learned from the remarkable adoption at scale and pace of digital technologies during the crisis?
    • How is digital enabling chief executives to lead their organisations through this crisis?
    • What has proved most effective so far? And what hasn’t
    • What will the health service look like after the crisis? Will trust boards behave differently?
    • And how can we avoid a return to ‘business as usual’ on slow technology adoption after the crisis?
    • What will the future workforce look like?
    • Have we reached a tipping point on both remote care and self-care?
    • What do these changes mean for digital governance within the NHS?

    Members of Digital Health Networks can put their questions to the panellists on the Networks’ online community in advance of the webinars or post them live during the webinar.

    The questions, suggestions and responses on each session will be collated and shared back with the Network and national presenters.



    • Jon Hoeksma, CEO Digital Health


    • Chris Hopson, CEO of NHS Providers

    Joining Chris on the panel will be

    • Jane Hayward, director of Transformation, University Hospital Southampton NHS FT
    • Darren McKenna, Director Of Informatics at Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS FT


    Digital Health webinar will ask