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Enabling Staff Movement through improved onboarding

  •  12 August 2022
     12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

    In association with

    •  12 August 2022
       12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

    This session will outline the work being done by a collaboration of local and central NHS teams and industry partners to address known challenges within organisations around staff movement and digital/physical access.

    Hear from the front line about how better access can improve the experience of both our people and our patients.   See the to-be user journey and a demonstration of the components such as digital staff passports, digital identity, improved provisioning and authentication capability.

    Gain a deeper understanding of the NHS vision for using technology to enhance the experience for our people and how you can get involved.

    Meet your speakers:

    Andrew Temple Andrew Temple – Digital Programme Manager, Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
    Andrew is a Digital Programme Manager at Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and has had several roles during his 13 years in the NHS.  Andrew graduated in Politics and International Relations at the University of Lancaster and as a Postgraduate studied Teaching, and undertook several roles in the private sector before joining the NHS. Andrew is currently working with NHSE/I and ICS’ on several Digital People Programmes, including Interoperable Collaborative Banks, Provisioning and Systems Access and Digital Staff Passports. During the Covid-19 pandemic Andrew worked on the development, deployment and product management of the NHS COVID-19 Digital Staff Passport Programme, which was rolled out to over 100 trusts which has been nominated for several awards, recently winning the European Identity and Cloud Conference award in the Verifiable Credentials and Decentralised Identity category.

    Phil Graham Philip Graham – Digital Programme Director, Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
    Philip is currently substantively employed as a Digital Programme Director at Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (BTH) and has held senior posts in healthcare technology for over twenty years including Chief Information Officer, or equivalent. He is currently working with NHSE/I on various commissions involving Workforce Solutions, Digital Identity, Provisioning, Staff Access and Digital Passports.

    Digital Health webinar will ask