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Journal Club: ‘Creating the Moorfields’ virtual eye casualty: video consultations to provide emergency teleophthalmology care during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic research’

  •  1 April 2021
     12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

    In association with

    •  1 April 2021
       12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

    Join authors Caroline LS Kilduff1, Gordon R Hay1,3 and Peter BM Thomas2 (1Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London; 2National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre at Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and 3UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, London; UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, London) in discussion with Katie MacLure (BCS Health & Care Scotland) for our next live BCS (CITP) BMJ HCI Journal Club hosted by Digital Health.

    ‘Creating the Moorfields’ virtual eye casualty: video consultations to provide emergency teleophthalmology care during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic



    The COVID-19 crisis forced hospitals in the UK to reduce outpatient activity. To provide continuity of care and to assist patients reluctant or unable to leave their homes, video consultations using ‘Attend Anywhere’ were rapidly implemented across routine and emergency ophthalmology services. Patient satisfaction, waiting time, consultation duration, outcome and management were audited following the launch of the new virtual A&E service. In the 12 days following the service launch, 331 patients were seen by video consultation. Video consultations showed greater than expected usefulness in the remote management of eye disease and supported a substantial reduction in the number of people visiting the hospital.

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