21 September 2020
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Join Kathryn Moyse and Katie Chadd (Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists), Pamela Enderby (The University of Sheffield), and Mark Bedwell and Paddy Guest (Different Class Solutions Ltd) in discussion with Katie MacLure (BCS Health & Care Scotland) for our next live BCS (The Chartered Institute for IT) BMJ HCI Journal Club hosted by Digital Health.
The RCSLT Online Outcome Tool has been developed to support speech and language therapists in the UK with collecting and analysing outcomes data. The authors outline the approach taken in the development and implementation of this digital solution, and discuss the value of big data, including how it can assist with evaluating the impact of speech and language therapy interventions and exploring variation in outcomes.
To join the meeting simply register below and read the journal in advance: Outcome measurement in speech and language therapy: a digital journey and join the journal club discussion on the afternoon of 21 September.
Kathryn Moyse, Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
Katie Chadd, Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
Pamela Enderby, The University of Sheffield
Mark Bedwell, Different Class Solutions Ltd
Paddy Guest, Different Class Solutions Ltd
Katie MacLure, BCS Health & Care Scotland