31 July 2020
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Health Education England (HEE) partnering with the NWISDN would like CIOs, CNIOs, CCIOs and CXIOs with their digital and informatics teams to help us plan for the current and future workforce by engaging with two projects initiated by the HEE Digital Readiness Programme
The webinar will aim to introduce the work and focus on two main areas:
- Operational workforce planning for the current workforce: The NWISDN will talk about their annual workforce audit, the benefits for you as an end user in participating in this data collection exercise as this is rolled out nationally to NHS providers in 2020.
- Strategic workforce planning for the future workforce: Building on HEE’s recent scenario planning workshops in May and June on The Future Informatician, we would like to share our work to date and introduce a demand forecasting tool, to help us shape the workforce requirements for the future. Post webinar, we would then be looking for a representative sample (e.g. 15 to 20) Trusts to engage in a Delphi size exercise. Details of the survey will be circulated after the workshop.
Jon Hoeksma, Digital Health
Nicola Calder, Digital Supply and Capacity Workstream Lead, Building a Digital Ready Workforce Programme, HEE
Don Liu, National Workforce Planner, HEE
Rupert Milsom, Workforce Analyst, HEE
Health Education England (HEE) – Workforce Demand Forecasting ExerciseÂ
CIOs, CCIOs, CNIOs and other senior leaders in the NHS digital technology and informatics sector are invited to take part in the workforce demand forecasting exercise. To take part please register your interest by clicking on the following link and we will then send you the instructions and demand forecasting toolkit. Alternatively, contact Don Liu – don.liu@hee.nhs.uk – at HEE for further details.
Please find the slides below.
Digital Health Slides July 31st 2020