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Digital Responses to Covid-19 – Ensuring safe, secure, and uninterrupted care

  •  1 April 2020
     12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

    In association with

    •  1 April 2020
       12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

    More than four-fifths of Digital Health News readers said they believe the outbreak of Covid-19 will speed up the adoption of digital tools across the NHS. Digital Health’s new Digital Responses to Covid-19 Webinar series aims to help support this acceleration.

    Digital tools, platforms and services offer a variety of ways for UK health services to help manage the unique challenges of the Covid-19 public health emergency, ranging from mobilising entire workforces, triaging patients, providing advice and guidance through to shifting from in-person to video consultations.

    This webinar will put Imprivata in the hot seat detailing how they are working with the NHS and healthcare organisations worldwide to ensure safe, secure and uninterrupted care delivery, helping to minimise contamination, increase staff efficiency and maximise accessibility to patient data. In this session we will share a number of stories and use cases from our global community of customers who are:

    • Identifying users at risk of exposure to infectious disease
    • Enabling secure remote working across Trusts and CCGs
    • Quickly provisioning providers with appropriate access
    • Speeding access to clinical staff temperature-check application
    • Creating “touchless” environments in treatment centres
    • Facilitating visitation, despite in-person restriction

    Sean Kelly MD, Chief Medical Officer, Imprivata
    Daniel Johnston MRes, RN, Clinical Workflow Specialist, Imprivata



    Please find the slides below.

    Digital Health Covid 19 Webinar

    Digital Health webinar will ask