16 December 2020
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
It’s certainly been a year filled with many challenges, but true to form, healthcare providers have been our front-line heroes. As healthcare organisations needed to quickly manage staff to meet urgent demands, concerns around cybersecurity may have understandably diminished. How do you regain necessary control while staying nimble and ready for unforeseen crises?
During this webinar, we’ll talk about how proactively managing your digital identities will empower you to securely manage whatever comes your way.
Agenda includes:
1. The importance of Digital Identity in the modern healthcare environment
2. The need for a more complete approach to managing identity within your organisation
3. Introducing the Imprivata Digital Identity Framework
4. Mapping the framework to key relevant regulatory and legislative requirements (e.g. NHS Data Protection Toolkit, Cyber Essentials, GDPR)
Join our panel of experts as they discuss the new Imprivata Digital Identity Framework and why digital identity matters today more than ever.
Hannah Crouch, Editor, Digital Health
Wes Wright, Chief Technology Officer, Imprivata
Sean Kelly, Chief Medical Officer, Imprivata
Andy Wilcox, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Imprivata
Andy Kinnear, Health CIO Network (NHS) Advisory Panel