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Derby Teaching Hospitals safeguards its EPR with ReStart’s PAS Mirror


Derby Teaching Hospitals safeguards its EPR with ReStart’s PAS Mirror and Business Continuity solution.

When Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust needed to protect its core clinical systems against service disruption, it turned to ReStart.

ReStart offers business continuity assurance and integration solutions, making sure trusts can keep operating to a high standard during both planned and unplanned downtime of clinical systems.

At Derbyshire Teaching, the occasional downtime on its Lorenzo electronic patient record was forcing the trust to resort to paper, impacting on patient care.

The trust’s Associate Director of IM&T, Mark Norwood, said the trust needed a better back-up plan and had worked with ReStart previously on several complex integration projects.

“The priority for us was to future-proof ourselves against any outages and ensure we had control over a backup plan should the worst happen.”

Based around a patient administration system ‘mirror’, Restart could offer a cost-effective multi-layered business continuity solution to ensure access to clinical information even when other systems failed.

Using a PAS mirror-based business continuity solution is now increasingly being viewed as an effective strategy for ensuring continued access to vital information for any major EPR or PAS deployment.

Read the full story about the PAS Mirror Business Continuity Solution

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