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Medical Device Interoperability – Enhancing patient data, an insight to ‘The art of the possible’


Modernising healthcare organisations with technology, connecting medical devices, sharing patient data… they all impact on how we care for patients, how it shapes information technology needs to inform strategy for both IT Heads and Clinical Engineering departments. What benefits are provided by an MDI solution? How do we enable and automate the collection of Vital Signs? How can connected devices help reduce manual transcription errors and observation recording time and deliver better information into the hands of the clinician?

Discover a comprehensive white-paper demonstrating how connected devices can contribute to enhancing the continuum of care.

Read the full white paper

The rapid evolution of technology is providing an abundance of information bringing more data and more possibilities.

Sharing healthcare data is fundamental to exploiting the value of it – technology must reinvent to find new innovative ways of utilizing this content, as these large volumes of data are a genuine challenge to manage, exchange and secure. The connections between Electronic Patient Record (EPR) systems or Electronic Observation (eObs) Platforms and medical devices are neither common or standardised.

Historically medical device data has been isolated and trapped in silos, to make matters worse each device has a unique communication protocol, different terminology and physical connectors.

Clinicians can now apply both historical and a wider set of real-time data to facilitate better real-time decision making based upon changing and evolving patient condition trends because temporary trended information is available from a multitude of connected devices at the same time and combined with other data provides a more holistic view of a patients state.

We invite you to take an informative and educational journey of realising Medical Device Integration (MDI). Several challenges will be emphasised: How is patient data shared today? How are health records documented? What role could medical device integration have in completing this information? What advantages are there for health organisations connecting their medical devices? We’ll look at several case studies at the end of this document to provide proven insight.

“Technology must speed patient care up. It must enable the physicians to focus on carrying out treatment and caring for patients by getting rid of pointless tasks as much as possible – anything that wastes their time.”

Yannick Michel, Organisation and IT Systems Director, Nouvelles Cliniques Nantaises (Groupe Confluent).

Read the full white paper

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