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Augmented Intelligence: The Next Frontier


While Radiology has been leading from the front when it comes to digital transformation with transition from film to PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication Systems), this transition in other medical imaging specialties has been slow, or followed a standards based approach.

Even within Radiology, the challenge of enabling collaborative workflows between Oncologists and Radiologists, or within Cardiology between invasive and non-invasive workflows remained unaddressed with departmental PACS solutions.

When it comes to Pathology, the digital transformation has left a lot to be desired and has been preeminently non-standard based, unlike Radiology where we benefited from DICOM protocols.

Physicians and some of the brightest minds specializing in the field of Machine Learning and Cognitive Computing are facilitating conversations and exploring the potential of Augmented Intelligence in clinical practice.

At Thought Leadership industry events and international conferences, the physician community, academia, young graduates and industry leaders interested in the intersection of machine learning, and medicine, are discussing application of Augmented Intelligence into the practice of medicine.

Read the full white paper HERE

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