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Old tools and dated metrics won’t fix the problems of a modern NHS, introducing the next generation of EPR


The journey towards better connected, paperless hospitals is entering a new phase. After years of rhetoric, the true value of Electronic Patient Record (EPR) systems that capture, integrate and share crucial patient information at the point of care, is poised to hit the headlines. It’s about time. The current challenges facing the NHS mean we can no longer afford to squander technological opportunities or rely on old ways of working that compromise safe, timely care. Thankfully, the signs are good; the next generation of EPR is on its way.

NHS England’s continued focus on the digital capabilities of acute trusts, strengthened by the recent commissioning of an independent evaluation of its Global Digital Exemplar (GDE) programme, is a clear recognition of the vital role that technology can play in the delivery of high quality acute care. At the heart of the approach, GDEs have been explicitly challenged to reach Stage 7 of the HIMSS EMR adoption model (EMRAM). EMRAM is globally accepted as the best means of measuring a hospital’s digital maturity, with Stage 7 its highest level. However, it’s a strange quirk of the HIMSS model that even achieving its highest accreditation still won’t solve the problems that NHS hospitals most want to fix.


Check out the full White Paper below where we outline the 7 key pillars of an effective system.

Read the full white paper

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