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How Population Health Management will deliver a sustainable NHS ( GGI & IBM Watson Health )


Population health management has been touted as an important approach in meeting the health and wellbeing needs of todayā€™s citizens. The idea is that, rather than focusing on treating ill health when it occurs, organisations focus on the wellbeing of individuals ā€“ focusing on systems designed to enhance the health of a local population.

In the US, some health systems have already adopted such an approach. But in the UK, it is still in its infancy. Could the NHS learn lessons from the successes across the Atlantic? And could evolutions in data analysis ā€“ including artificial intelligence ā€“ help make more effective population health management a reality? Could we reliably identify individual risk through sophisticated analysis, trigger an intervention, and then use technology to manage that risk?

If population health management is to truly become embedded across the service, there will be barriers to overcome. It will be necessary to build coalitions of the willing, across health economies ā€“ and ensure that patients are a part of it.

In ā€˜How population health management will deliver a sustainable NHSā€™, researchers at the Good Governance Institute consider these barriers and how to overcome them. They also make clear that the case for population health management is a strong one, and that the NHS should act.

Read the full white paper HERE

GGI is committed to develop and promote the Good Governance Body of Knowledge
Published by GGI Development and Research LLP, London
ISBN: 978-1-907610-45-5
Ā© 2018 Good Governance Institute

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Contact IBM Watson Health:

Lizzy O’Hare, Client Executive, Watson Health (Gov & PopHealth)
+44 (0) 79011 14981

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