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Flexible Cloud Working – helping tackle the GP shortage in Urgent & Primary Care

Sesui Case Study - Flexible Cloud Working


In the face of rising workloads, a chronic GP shortage, and central reform, how can clinicians work more easily and efficiently? That was the question at the heart of an in-depth piece of research conducted by Sesui, based on a survey of UK doctors and in depth interviews with thought leaders across the NHS.

Doctors were asked what the pressure points are in dealing with over 1 million patients every 36 hours, how they could better support extended hours, and how clinicians could work more efficiently to deliver integrated out-of-hours care.

The results showed 45% of doctors believed remote working is the answer to unsustainable demand; it would aid more personalised patient care, enable them to support longer appointments and reduce waiting times.

The resulting research report outlines the transformative role of cloud communications in supporting the digital patient and helping clinicians to work remotely, by offering patient consultations by phone and video. It also provides real-life case studies of how cloud communications is supporting practices and clinicians in working closer together to deliver a joined-up, 24×7 NHS.

Dr Simon Abrams, chair of the federation of social enterprise unscheduled primary care providers Urgent Health UK comments: “I recommend colleagues across primary and urgent care spend some time exploring the report’s findings… on how technology can make a difference in the NHS, especially now when we need it most”.

Click here to access the report

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