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Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust: Improving patient safety with Scan4Safety

Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust – Sharing standardised data


The link between digitisation of procurement processes and patient safety may not be immediately visible, but there is no doubt it’s there. The experience at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust proves as much.

The organisation has used a healthcare e-commerce solution since 2002, and in recent years has introduced a cloud-based catalogue system and an inventory control system which allows standardised data to be shared between the systems – essentially one version of the “truth” to drive procurement activity.

It means the organisation has a much better picture of which devices and consumables are being used where and by whom and when new stock is required and when it isn’t. It also meant Leeds had the infrastructure in place to become one of the six Scan4Safety demonstrator sites.

The overall result, says James Minards – Country Sales Manager UK and Ireland at GHX, which supplies the technology – is improvement to financial efficiency and safety alike. He reports it’s been made possible by a “strategic partnership” between the two organisations, which have worked collaboratively on product development over the past 16 years.

He emphasises the vision is entirely a shared one. “It’s about data standards, it’s about systems that deliver everything they need, and it’s about driving efficiencies and it’s about patient safety.”

To find out more about the work at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, and how the approach could be applied within your own organisation, download the full case study.

Read the full case study

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