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E-observations software delivers marked sepsis improvement at Barnsley


CareFlow Vitals electronic observation and decision support system from System C has a long and well-documented history of improving patient safety and outcomes. It monitors and analyses patient vital signs to identify deteriorating conditions and provide risk scores to trigger escalation pathways.

Within the core Vitals module there is the ability for hospitals to switch on the sepsis module. This module delivers comprehensive functionality to identify, risk-stratify and audit the delivery of appropriate care for patients with potential sepsis, in accordance with published guidance.

Following the successful roll out of Careflow Vitals to all inpatient areas and the Emergency Department, Barnsley Hospital successfully added the sepsis functionality to the system in May 2018. Using the data entered for its CQUIN reporting, the Trust was able to clearly identify an improvement in the assessment of and early treatment of sepsis.

When patients do contract sepsis, Vitals has enabled earlier identification and treatment, which has in turn meant that patients stay on average 1.5 days less in intensive care.

Read the full case study here

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