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County Durham and Darlington NHS FT increases network visibility to better detect, diagnose, resolve and report on risks


County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust is one of the largest integrated care providers in England, serving a population of around 650,000 with a 7,000 strong workforce. The trust provides hospital services from two acute sites, plus a further centre for planned care. It also delivers community services from 5 community hospitals, over 80 other community-based settings and within patients’ homes.

The trust knew that it lacked full visibility of its network, and identified that greater transparency was needed of what was happening across its IT estate, in order to ensure it was fully secure. Working with ITHealth, County Durham and Darlington deployed an Assurance Dashboard solution to gain an accessible, dynamic network view; this enabled them to better detect, diagnose and remediate risks, whilst also streamlining and enhancing security processes.

Alongside proactive and simplified network monitoring, the solution also provided cost and resource savings through streamlined processes, faster DSP toolkit submissions and a new improved way of managing NHS Digital CareCERT alerts.

To find out more, read the full case study below.

Read the full case study


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More information on the ITHealth Assurance Dashboard can be found here.

Other ITHealth Assurance Dashboard NHS case studies can be found here.

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