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Cyber Security

Cyber security underpins the safe and secure delivery of digital health services. Modern healthcare critically depends on reliable, effective digital infrastructure, playing a key contribution to productivity and efficiency as well as patient safety. 

Cyber Security

Digital Health Cybersecurity Round-Up
Cyber Security

Cyber security news round-up

Digital Health’s latest cyber security round-up looks at industry news from the healthcare world and beyond, including research suggesting that Britain is days away from ‘anarchy’ and details of a cyber-attack on National Lottery owners, Camelot.

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Digital Health Cybersecurity Round-Up
Cyber Security

Cyber security news round-up

This month’s cyber security round-up takes a look at a number of cyber stories from outside the healthcare realm, including word that the US might be looking to replicate the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre and a new smartphone that lauds itself as being spy-proof.

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