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Cyber Security

Cyber security underpins the safe and secure delivery of digital health services. Modern healthcare critically depends on reliable, effective digital infrastructure, playing a key contribution to productivity and efficiency as well as patient safety. 

Cyber Security

Cybersecurity padlock
Case Study

Cybersecurity: National Vision, Local Focus

Cybersecurity continues to dominate the headlines in the health service. As recently reported by Digital Health, every NHS trust that has been tested cyber security standards since 2017’s WannaCry attack has failed.

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Cyber Security graphic
Cyber Security

Special Report: Cybersecurity

With the General Data Protection Regulation coming into force this Spring, and an array of legacy Microsoft systems hitting their end of support status, just where do things stand now regarding cybersecurity strategy within the NHS? Davey Winder investigates.

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Cyber Security

The criminal economics of phishing

As phishing becomes industrialised with its own business model and role-based ecosystem, our cyber security columnist Davey Winder looks at how we can protect the NHS from this threat.  

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