100K genomes


Work needed on genomic and genetic data sharing ā€“Ā NDG

Further work is needed to establish how the consent process might appropriately cover data sharing in genetic and genomic medicine,
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Genomics to hit mainstream with AI and $100 genome

A major technology partner for England's 100k Genome project says the sequencing a genome could soon cost less than US$100.
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NHS England names 100K genome centres

NHS England has named the eleven centres across the country that will drive efforts to sequence 100,000 genomes by 2017.
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PM announces Ā£300m for genome project

Prime Minister David Cameron has announced a Ā£300m investment into the project to sequence 100,000 genomes by 2017.
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NHS maps out 100K genomes medicine plans

NHS England expects to have contracts in place with providers by January 2015 for its ambitious project to sequence 100,000
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