

NHS algorithm to enable patients to issue their own sick notes

Changes have been proposed to the existing sick note system, that would see an NHS algorithm enable patients to generate
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AI to help boost NHS winter response and prevent avoidable admissions

AI will spot patients at risk of needing to go to hospital so community NHS teams can get to them
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UCLH and partners develop algorithm which aims to improve care

UCLH, alongside Durham University and health tech company Evergreen Life, have developed an algorithm which will improve care for cancer
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NHS Digital reviewing algorithm after women incorrectly told to shield

The QCovid model flagged some women previously diagnosed with gestational diabetes as being at ā€œhigh riskā€ of Covid-19 on a
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Consortium to look into algorithms for Covid-19 pneumonia diagnosis

A team which is being led by the University of Oxford is looking to develop potential algorithms which could help
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Researchers borrow astronomy algorithms to tackle skin conditions

Research carried out at the Scotland university used algorithms usually used in astronomy to test how certain treatments would work
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Health IT news in brief

Todayā€™s health IT news in brief covers the rollout of a paediatric diabetes information management system, a new accreditation for
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Doctors beat algorithms on diagnosis – study

Doctors ā€œvastly outperformedā€ computer algorithms when it comes to giving a correct , according to an American research trial.
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