Andy Burnham


Dr Foster names safety underperformers

The Dr Foster Hospital Guide 2009 has named 12 NHS trusts that it says have significantly underperformed on its new measure of patient
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Picture yourself old with the DH

The government is using face-transforming software to encourage the public to have their say on its proposals for a radical
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Burnham: publish staff satisfaction data

Health secretary Andy Burnham has announced plans to publish data on staff satisfaction across the NHS. In his first major
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Lords question flu response

Members of the House of Lords have told the government they have “significant concerns” about the delay in the launch
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Interim flu line for 100,000 cases a day

The Department of Health’s interim flu line service is expected to be operational by next week, as the government predicts
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Money, money, money

The theme of this yearā€™s NHS Confederation conference was money; or rather the coming lack of it. Lyn Whitfield reports.
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Burnham wants ā€˜health service fit for the digital ageā€™

New health secretary Andy Burnham has said that despite the NHS’ coming financial problems, he still wants to see a
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Mike Oā€™Brien new minister for NHS IT

Mike O’Brien, the MP for North Warwickshire, has become the latest minister to take responsibility for NHS Connecting for Health
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