BT Health


BT roundtable: standards, incentives key to improved digital performanceĀ 

Coordination, consistency and an improved incentive structure are needed for digital transformation of the health service, a BT-sponsored roundtable heard.
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BT Healthcare expanding partnerships in diagnostics, AI, patient pathway

BT Healthcareā€™s bid to leverage its position to support the digital transformation of the NHS is moving to its next
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Majority of NHS staff see tech investments as priority – BT survey

74% of NHS staff see future investments in digital technology as a priority, according to the results of a BT
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BT launches new AI and digital diagnostics services to support NHSĀ 

BT has launched new AI and digital services in diagnostics to support the NHS in tackling wait times and speeding
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BT ramps up digital health ambitions in the UK

BT is betting its incumbency and expertise providing connectivity can help it play a key role in powering the digital
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BT launches virtual ward programme to help transform UK health servicesĀ 

BT Group has launched its virtual wards programme for healthcare customers across the UK, part of its aim to help
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BT-Cornwall reaches 1,200 on telehealth

BT has taken over management of 1,200 telehealth users in Cornwall from Peninsula Community Health.
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Spine2 live in summer 2014

Formal supplier testing of Spine2 will begin within a few months and it will go-live in summer 2014.
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Show and tell

With national contracts for digital imaging systems due to terminate shortly, vendors were out in force at EHI Live 2012
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