Buckinghamshire Healthcare


Buckinghamshire sees benefits from population health digital dashboard

Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust is streamlining surgical pathways and tackling waiting lists with an innovative digital population health dashboard.
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NHS could take action against trusts for Facebook breach – spokesman

NHS England is investigating the transfer of private patient information from 20 trusts to Facebook and could take further action,
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Bucks hospitals go digital with System C

An electronic patient record from System C has gone live across a series of hospitals in Buckinghamshire.
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Nurse Tech Fund helps Bucks go mobile

Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust has completed the roll-out of a new mobile technology tool provided by Vodafone and TotalMobile for
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Buckinghamshire takes Medway for autumn

Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust has chosen System Cā€™s Medway electronic patient record system to replace its existing Cerner Millennium EPR,
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Trusts say Dr Foster data ‘flawed’

Trusts identified as performing poorly in the Dr Foster Hospital Guide 2012 have described the indicators used as ā€œflawedā€ and
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South trust on journey to Millennium EPR

Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust is slowly adding clinical functionality to Cerner Millennium as part of a "five year journey" towards
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