City Hospitals Sunderland


Healthcare IT news round-up

This monthsā€™ healthcare IT round-up includes various healthcare organisations entering into contracts with suppliers and about a trust's new check-in
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CCIO profile: Dr Les Boobis

Les Boobisā€™ parents were disappointed when he studied medicine rather than IT, but heā€™s managed to combine the two at
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Burton plans Meditech v6.0

Burton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust plans to go live with Meditech v6.0 this financial year.
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‘Big bang’ go-live for Sunderland

City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust deployed Meditech version 6.0 in a ā€œbig-bang go-liveā€ last weekend.
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Sunderland delays Meditech V6.0

City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust has delayed the deployment of Meditechā€™s electronic patient record version 6.0.
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Sunderland builds VNA with Bridgehead

City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust is piloting a vendor neutral archive solution provided by BridgeHead Software and Dell.
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