Covid-19 Pandemic


Use of digital tech during pandemic shows that lessons must be learnt

The author of an Ada Lovelace Institute report into the use and effectiveness of digital technologies during the Covid-19 pandemic
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Palantir gets Ā£11.5m six-month NHS contract extension

NHS England has extended its contract with Palantir for the national data platform introduced during the Covid-19 pandemic to track
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NHS data chief Ming Tang wins Covid Unsung Hero award

Ming Tang from NHS England and Improvement has been announced as the winner of a Women in Science and Engineering
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NHS online platform to tackle elective surgery backlog is launched

The NHS have today launched a new online platform, My Planned Care, as a measure to tackle the elective surgery
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Chelsea and Westminster launch Acute Covid app for NHS staff

An app which supports NHS staff redeployed to care for Covid patients has been launched by Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
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From Australia to the UK – Attend Anywhere’s 10 year journey

Not too many had heard of Attend Anywhere before March 2020 but since then, the video consulting capability has been
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