data strategy


Interoperable digital care can only be achieved with an open technology approach

With Integrated Care Systems now coming into effect ,Andy Meiner, chief revenue officer at ReStart, looks at what role interoperability
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Learn from past mistakes to achieve ambitions for integrated care

Alastair Allen, chief technology officer at Better explores what needs to be done in order to achieve integrated care and
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Government publishes final data strategy for healthcare

A new strategy has been launched by the government to drive transformation in health and care by reshaping the way
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Sajid Javid wants 90% of NHS trusts to have an EPR by December 2023

The secretary of state for health and social care has said he wants 90% of NHS trusts to have an
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Supporting the greater use of data sharing across healthcare

Andrew Davies from the Association of British HealthTech Industries (ABHI) explores why there is a need for greater data sharing
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Do we really need to wait for the governmentā€™s data proposals?

Marc Farr, chief analytical officer at East Kent Hospitals University NHS FT explores why we must be brave when it
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