

Digital Health Coffee Time Briefing ā˜•Ā 

Today's briefing includes Canon installing its Aquilion One CT system at the Royal Bournmouth and NHSE extending rapid testing for
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Digital Health Coffee Time Briefing ā˜•

Today's briefing includes Helios acquiring Cogentia and an AI tool that could help to predice which anti-depressant medications are effective.
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Preventing relapse after cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) with personalised smart messaging

Dr Sam Malins has led a number of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) group programmes for people who have experienced cancer
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Scientists developing video games to diagnose and monitor depression

Scientists in London have developed new AI technology inspired by video games to transform the way depression is diagnosed and
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NICE recommends app for depression should be trialled on the NHS

A new online and mobile app for depression should be trialled on the NHS, according to the National Institute for
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Industry news in brief

This monthā€™s industry nibs includes NHS WalesĀ embarking on a new early payment programme for its suppliers and product launches.
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Surrey pilots telehealth for depression

Surrey and Borders partnership NHS Foundation Trust will pilot a bespoke telehealth system for service users with severe depression.
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