e-Referrals Service


NHSX sets out intentions to improve electronic referral services

NHSX is calling on relevant suppliers help develop strategies for implementing electronic bookings, referrals and appointment management services.
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East Suffolk and North Essex saves hours thanks to automation technology

The technology includes three 'virtual workers', which actively monitor incoming referrals from the national GP eRS in real-time, 24 hours
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Englandā€™s acute trusts beat deadline for e-Referrals switch

In an announcement made at NHS Expo ā€“ currently taking place in Manchester ā€“ it was revealed 150 acute hospital
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PRSB sets the standards for clinical referral information

It is hoped that the exchange of referral information from GPs to hospital consultants will be improved once the new
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Hospital trusts bid goodbye to paper as e-RS gathers steam

More than half of all hospital trusts in England - 79 in total - are now using the NHS e-Referral
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First NHS e-Referrals API by end of year

The Health and Social Care Information Centre is developing a set of open APIs for its NHS e-Referrals service, with
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E-Referral Service stabilised – then not

The new NHS e-Referral Service was running well on Tuesday afternoon, but has subsequently suffered another day of problems.
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NHS England promotes IT in ‘to do’ list

NHS England has urged clinical commissioning groups to start working on ā€˜roadmapsā€™ for integrated digital care records, given them sticks
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