Friends and family


Digital care plans by 2015

Everyone with a long-term condition or disability must have a digital personalised care plan accessible online or via a mobile
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Friends and Family Test for GPs by 2015

All GPs, community and mental health services must be collecting Friends and Family Test data from January 2015.
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Kiosk trial for Friends and Family Test

Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is piloting the use of self check-in kiosks and other touch screen devices to
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Friends and Family Test data published

New data from the NHS Friends and Family Test has been published by NHS England today.
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Surrey and Sussex gets patient feedback

Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust is implementing a patient experience system to collect feedback on its services.
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Hunt talks up NHS IT projects in US

The governmentā€™s plan to sequence 100,000 human genomes and link these to electronic health records will be ā€œas significant as
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NHS England to publish IT strategy

NHS England is developing an NHS Technology Strategy and Roadmap, setting a national direction for NHS IT.
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Itā€™s big, but is it clever?

Robert Francisā€™ final report into the Mid Staffordshire scandal is huge, but will its impact be in proportion to its
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Paperless NHS means paperless referrals

The NHS Commissioning Boardā€™s planning guidance, issued today, has confirmed that a ā€œpaperless NHSā€ means paperless referrals by 2015.
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