Health CIO Leaders Network


Case for digital transformation funding needs to be strengthened – Quinn

The CIO of NHS England has told Digital Health Summer Schools he intends to champion adequate funding for the digitisation
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2018 Digital Health Award Winner Profile: Andy Kinnear

Andy Kinnear, the winner of the inaugural Digital Health Award for outstanding contribution to the profession, has had a career
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Digital Health Leadership Summit – two weeks to go

With only two weeks left, the full programme for Digital Health Leadership Summit 2018 has now been published with highlights
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Hack, healthcare and ‘social neediaā€™

David Walliker, chief information officer at Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals Trust, recalls his first hack event and how
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Ewan Davis: on new leaders and hard and soft power

Health secretary Jeremy Hunt is back and the NHS in England has a set of new IT leaders. So far
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Health CIO profile: Thomas Poulter

The IM&T director at Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust is revamping its IT ahead of a move to a
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