Health select committee


Select committee criticises lack of consistent strategy in health IT

The House of Lords Select Committee has published a damning report on the state of NHS health IT, saying thereā€™s
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Hunt says IT spend protected in financial crisis

Health secretary Jeremy Hunt has given IT as an example of the kind of long-term investment in the health service
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ā€˜Significant problemsā€™ with data access in public health

Public health services have been denied access to health data vital to doing their job, a report from the Commons
Read More in “last chance saloon”

NHS England has been warned its controversial programme is at its ā€œlast chance saloonā€, as it pushes ahead with
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Caldicott to oversee pilot

The pilot phase of the controversial programme will be subject to scrutiny from an independent panel led by Dame
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Pseudo at source review for

The Health and Social Care Information Centre has launched a steering group to ā€œhelp guideā€ its possible use of pseudonymisation
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‘Exciting’ info plan promised

NHS England will use the six month delay to to launch a re-engagement programme to get the public on
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