Health Space


Microsoft launches HealthVault in UK

Microsoft has launched its personal health record platform in the UK on the Health and Lifestyle channel of the MSN
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Cameron: Donā€™t believe Google scare

David Cameron has said people should not believe ā€œscare storiesā€ about patientsā€™ medical records being handed over to companies such
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HealthSpace expansion plans shelved

The Department of Health has shelved plans for a massive expansion of its personal health record project, HealthSpace.
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This is the year to come

Sandra Hempel asks leading figures in healthcare IT to look ahead to 2009.
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IT underpins NHS reform in Queenā€™s speech

The government is planning to introduce a health bill to Parliament that will require further investment in IT and new
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ETP potential

EHI talks to Tim Donohoe, group director at Connecting for Health, about the development of the national electronic prescribing service.
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