IBM watson


East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust launches virtual assistant with IBM

East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust is today launching a new intelligent virtual assistant with IBM to support its human
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Welsh health board launches Covid-19 AI assistant

Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board has launched a Welsh and English speaking virtual agent to help answer information requests
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Moorfields chatbot to field questions on new Ā£344m eye care facility

Moorfields Eye Hospital has introduced a chatbot-style virtual assistant to provide information on the proposal with members of the public
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IBMā€™s Watson Health about ā€˜augmented intelligence for cliniciansā€™

IBMā€™s Watson Health is at the cutting edge of AI in Global healthcare, chief health officer Dr Kyu Rhee tells
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Using IBM Watson cognitive technology to enhance the patient experience

At Alder Hey Childrenā€™s NHS Foundation Trust, a focus on cognitive computing is helping to support patients as they come
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IBMā€™s CEO says AI will unlock golden era for health

Reporting from the HIMSS 2017 conference in Orlando, Jon Hoeksma listens to Ginni Rometti, the CEO of IBM, calling to
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