Information Standard


New data standard published for digital maternity records

The new standard will improve information exchange between IT systems and services, ensuring all clinicians have access to the same
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CCIO network launches 12-point plan

The CCIO Leaders Network has released a Vision and 12-point plan for chief clinical information officers, to improve the quality
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HSCIC plans a national tech strategy

The Health and Social Care Information Centre plans to publish a national technology and data strategy in summer 2015.
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Info standards site launched

A new website dedicated to information standards in health and social care has been launched today.
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Mentor articles fail NHS Evidence tests

Healthcare IT system supplier EMIS has failed to get NHS Evidence accreditation for its Mentor clinical reference articles. NHS Evidence
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Information quality mark launched

The Information Standard accreditation scheme has been launched at the King’s Fund. The Department of Health initiative will award a quality
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Capita wins quality mark contract

The Department of Health has appointed Capita to manage the Information Standard accreditation scheme that is due to be launched
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Social care to use NHS Number

The Department of Health has announced that the NHS Number can be used in social care to link social care
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DH wants ISO equivalent for health information

The Department of Health is tendering for an organisation to run a scheme to accredit health and social care information
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