Leeds Care Record


Local CIO reports interest in making a LICRE bid in Yorkshire and Humber

There is significant interest in making a bid for Local Care Integrated Record Exemplar (LICRE) status in Yorkshire and Humber,
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Leed’ing the way as Britainā€™s healthcare innovators

Leeds has been recognised as leaders in health innovation and has claimed fifth place overall, second UK Smart Cities Index.
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Leeds Care Record adds community, mental health and adult social care

Leeds Care Record now has five major health and care sectors contributing and viewing it - mental health, adult social
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Ongoing pathology IT crash in Leeds

One of the largest trusts in the country has seen its pathology IT system crash, forcing it to postpone some
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Mental health data in Leeds Care Record

The medical records of patients at a mental health trust in Leeds are now available on the cityā€™s shared electronic
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Leeds leads the way on shared records

The Leeds Care Record is live in all but one of the regionā€™s GP practices, as well as in acute,
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Leeds shared record suppliers named

A shared care record and improved information governance protocols are key parts of a pioneering project for integrated care in
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