Londonwide LMCs


GP at Hand makes “destabilising” move to become primary care network

The NHS funded GP app, which launched in 2017, told Digital Health it was ā€œwell placedā€ to become a primary
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Southwark CCG drops Babylon asthma AI pilot following GP at Hand concerns

A clinical commissioning group has dropped plans to pilot an asthma artificial intelligence project with Babylon, after concerns were raised
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Data issues hit Imperial cancer patients

ā€œData collectionā€ issues at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust mean it may not have received hundreds of urgent cancer referrals
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London GPs told to hold fire on SCR

GPs in London have been told to do nothing about the Summary Care Record until they get the go-ahead from
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GPs told to tee up SCR information drive

GP practices have been advised to educate their patients about the Summary Care Record while the suspension of its roll-out
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SCR opt-out letters would confuse

The risk that patients would misread opt-out forms for the Summary Care Record and send them to the wrong address
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BMA says SCR roll-out ā€˜too hastyā€™

The BMA has criticised the roll-out of the Summary Care Record programme, claiming patients do not have enough information and
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Two thirds of GPs sign up for IGSoC

Around two-thirds of GP practices had signed up to NHS Connecting for Health’s information governance standards by the deadline of the
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Guidance ā€˜wrongā€™ on amending clinical notes

When the Londonwide Local Medical Committees issued advice to its members on correcting clinical notes it seemed a straightforward matter. Don’t
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