Long Term Plan


Wales sets out to create a single national clinical data repository by 2030

Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW) has set out a mission to join up data by ensuring it flows to
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Money is tight ā€“ the next government will need to be creative

With a general election looming, Vijay Luthra considers how digital in healthcare has fared under the Conservatives, and asks whether
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Enhancing one of the oldest shared care records: the Care and Health Information Exchange extends into care homes

Covid-19 gave new urgency to the need for fast, secure access to medical records across health and social care boundaries.
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Building Clinical Decision Support into the heart of the EPR

The introduction of Electronic Patient Record (EPR) technology is a key part of the NHS's digital transformation, helping to dramatically
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The Plug-In: Delivering on digital health commitments

The latest edition of the Plug-In examines the progress of the 'digital milestones' in NHS England's Long Term Plan, and
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