Lord Darzi


Data strategies must be designed around patient input, report finds

Patients must feel a sense of agency and control over what happens to their data and health data must always
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Calls for ‘urgent’ improvements in NHS cyber security presented to Parliament

A white paper written by researchers from Imperial College Londonā€™s Institute of Global Health Innovation says fresh investment is ā€œurgently
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Robo-docs and AI could ‘save NHS Ā£12.5bn a year’, claims Darzi report

An eye-opening report from former health minister Lord Darzi suggests the NHS could shave off a tenth of its budget
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London should be digital health pioneer

London should lead the digital health revolution and create an ā€˜Institute for Digital Healthā€™, according to a report by the
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Last night of the PROMS?

The future of the national Patient Reported Outcome Measures programme is uncertain as the latest changes to the NHS take
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