

Betsi Cadwaladr to implement Myrddin

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board in Wales has received a Ā£6.2 million investment from the Welsh government to implement the
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Abertawe integrates portal and PAS

The Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board in Wales has integrated its ward-based clinical portal with the national Myrddin patient
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Powys midwives set up IT wizard

Powys Health Board in Wales is piloting the Myrddin patient administration system for community midwives.
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Gwyn Thomas to retire from civil service

Gwyn Thomas has announced his retirement as chief information officer for Wales and informatics director for health and social services.
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Wales thinks big in tough times

The NHS Wales Informatics Service has issued an ambitious information services strategy that focuses on supporting health services in a
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The way of the dragon

The NHS Wales Informatics Service opened its new labs for EHI reporter Chris Thorne, and outlined its progress to date.
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Aneurin Bevan hits Myrddin PAS problems

Aneurin Bevan Health Boardā€™s implementation of Walesā€™ national patient administration system, Myrddin, has caused significant disruption to normal service and
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