primary care IT


Greater use of health technology ‘could save 20,000 lives a year’

Think tank the Institute of Public Policy found the NHS could save Ā£10 billion from reduced costs related to health
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56 newcomers awarded agreements under GP IT Futures

NHS Digital has notified 69 suppliers of the intention to award them contracts under the new, Ā£484 million general practice
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Another View: Of primary care networks and the IT challenges

The current penchant for GP networks is in many ways understandable, says our GP columnist Neil Paul. But is the
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Another view: of the power of GP federations

In his last column of 2018,Ā our GP columnist, Neil Paul, looks back at what his GP federation as achieved throughout
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Another view: Of problems with primary care IT

Neil Paul and his colleagues have had just about enough of primary care IT problems, with infrastructure and software alike
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Why we’re gathering around the NHS wireless at my GP practice

A month on from the introduction of NHS WiFi at Crystal Peaks Medical Centre, Dr Kirsty Gillgrass reports related improvements
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Of primary importance: Masood Nazir on the value of digital

In the first of a new column written exclusively for Digital Health, Dr Masood Nazir ā€“ clinical lead for NHS
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Enter the CCG: more thoughts on what hospitals can learn from primary care IT

With the publication of the Wachter Review, Dr John Lockley has been thinking about what secondary care could learn from
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Another view: of progress (or otherwise)

Traditionally, Christmas is a time for making merry and laying big plans for the year ahead. GP Neil Paul prefers
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Contracts signed for lot 2 of GPSoC

Thirty suppliers have signed contracts for lot two of the new GP Systems of Choice framework, the Health and Social
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