Public Accounts Committee


‘Lessons to be learned’ for NHS following PAC report into digital challenges

NHS Providers have said there are ā€œlessons that can be learnedā€ for the NHS after a report into the challenges
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Public Accounts Committee accuses ESN vendors of creating ‘perverse incentives’

The Public Accounts Committee continues to ladle out criticism of an ongoing project to update communications systems for emergency services.
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NAO raises further concerns over Emergency Services Network

The Emergency Services Network (ESN) is intended to replace Airwave ā€“ the system currently used by emergency services in Great
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Mandatory open standards will not close health IT market, DHSC believes

The department was questioned by the Public Accounts Committee about proposals that call for NHS IT suppliers to abide by
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PAC criticises NHS’s lack of action on WannaCry measures

The NHS has been criticised by MPs not taking enough action to improve cyber security measures following 2017ā€™s WannaCry incident.
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Public Account Committee slams NHS for ‘shoddy handling’ of clinical correspondence

NHS England's loss of clinical correspondence has been labelled "one of the biggest failures in the NHS in recent history"
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Emergency services’ may be left unable to share radios for 6 months

The emergency services could be unable to communicate with each other for six months in 2020, a Public Accounts Committee
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Ā£4 billion emergency radio system “not yet proven”

A Commonsā€™ Public Accounts Committee says the Emergency Services Network for ambulance, police and fire services is behind schedule and
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PAC calls for better NHS cost data

The Commonsā€™ public accounts committee has called for the collection of ā€œconsistent and detailed cost data across the NHSā€ to
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